Thursday, September 22, 2011

Can Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?

Q) There are THREE light switches outside of a room but all the light bulbs are inside the room. You can switch the bulbs on and off as many times as you want before entering the room, but once you are in, you can't come out to turn any off/on again. So as soon as you open the door, there is no going back to change the switches again.

How can you know which switch goes to which bulb if you can only enter once and can't possibly see into the room?

Q) There are two paths, one leads to Eutopia, a land of greatness. One, to a city of death where anyone who enters dies.

You get to ask ONE question to just ONE out of two people.

One of who always tells lies. The other, always tells the truth.

What question would guarantee you knowing which path leads to Eutopia and which leads to death-land?

Q) A man was found in a barn hanging by a noose with nothing but a puddle of water beneath him. There was no stool to knock out the way etc... So how did he do it without help?Can Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?First one has to do with leaving the light on and waiting for it to heat up but I forget exactly how it goes.

The second one is you would ask %26quot;Where would the other person tell me is the way to Eutopia?%26quot;

Third - he stood on a block of iceCan Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?the last one is he stood on a block of ice the other two dunno lolCan Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?1. open the door turn on the lights then enter

2. dunno

3. it was a block of iceCan Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?2) ask where the other guy would tell me to go and do the opposite it hard to explain how it works but it will if you think about itCan Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?you turn 1 bulb on, leave one bulb off and then turn 1 bulb on for a few minutes until it warms up n then turn it off so when u go in u have 1 on,1 off(cold) and 1 off but warm.

q3. stood on ice block.

q2.i saw the answer on one of the aboves answers -so i wont bother.Can Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?You switch the first switch on, wait for five minutes then switch the second one on..

Go in and immediately feel which bulb is the hottest that is the first switch.

The other one alight is the second.

The one that is out the third.

I ask one of them which path leads to the city of death then choose the other path.

He stood on a block of ice.Can Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?1.ask some one to go into the room and tell him/her to tell you which 1s which

2.ask the guy that tells the truth %26quot;which 1 leads 2 eutopea and which one goes to 2 the deate-land or ask the guy that always tells a lie which 1s which and do the opposite of wat he does

3.he was standing on a giant ice cube or he has some crying issuesCan Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?1) you feel the bulb after it's been turned off to see if it's hot.

2) Which way would the other man tell me how to get to Eutopia...whatever answer he gets, he goes the other way.

3) He stood on a block of ice which melted.Can Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?1. Turn on the lights for different amounts of time and then feel the light bulbs to see which one is the hottest (the one turned on the longest) and etc.

2. Don't know

3. Stood on a block of ice.Can Answer These Riddles... Without Looking on The Internet!?1.)put one switch one way and the other switch the other way then after like 10 minutes go in check which one is hot and that is the one that you did blablabla ok you get it right?

2.)you can ask both people im guessing because if you ask the one who lies go to the opposite door he tells you and if its the one who tells the truthgo to the one who tells the trut

3.)every one knows that block of ice trick come on!

and by the way im 10 so dont fell bad if i got wrong ......

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