Monday, October 24, 2011

(Urgent) How long does it take for my eyes to be burned and damaged by strong sunlight?

Not long ago my eyes were exposed to super strong sunlight (no clouds that day) for about 2 seconds and I worry a lot that my eyes can have been permanently damaged since that day (imagine staring at the sun in Arizona). Which factor contributes more to eye damage, light intensity or duration of exposure to light?

By the way I switched on the bathroom light yesterday night when my mother was standing 4-5 inches away from the bathroom light bulb replacing it (and of course she was staring straight at it). The sudden change from pitch darkness to super brightness made her grimace. Will her vision go bad? I think my mother's condition is worse than mine because her eyes were just inches away from the light source while the sun is so far away.

Last question, what age(s) suffer(s) most from retinal burn? I am 16 (puberty) and my mother is 50 (start of body degeneration).

Thanks.(Urgent) How long does it take for my eyes to be burned and damaged by strong sunlight?2 seconds of staring at the sun will likely not do any damage to the eye unless you were standing on Venus. Intensity (brightness) and duration go hand in hand. You can look at a low intensity light for a longer period before any damage or a high level intensity for a short time. But UV output and wave length are also factors which is why you can stare at a %26quot;black light%26quot; for a very long time and never notice any effects but not an arc welder.(Urgent) How long does it take for my eyes to be burned and damaged by strong sunlight?I have always worn dark glasses. I have never been able to handle bright lights or sun. My mom said I was exposed to a bright light when I was a baby and at the time they did not realize that it damaged the cornea in my eyes.

Never look at the Sun directly, [you are looking for trouble], as for your mother she should not have been looking at the bulb when you turned on the light to replace it. You should have used a flash light, it is softer and is not directly in a persons eyes.

If I where you I would go see an eye doctor and have yours and your moms eyes check to make sure there is not and serious damage.

I live in Arizona and have for 11 years now, I never go out side with a pair of shades on....I even swim with them on.

Good luck.

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