Monday, October 24, 2011

How do you unscrew the hood of a 29 gallon all-glass aquarium? I really need help!?

I bought a %26quot;29 gallon all-glass aquarium%26quot; from Walmart a year ago. I want to switch lighting fixtures but I have no idea how to get the hood open to unscrew the bulb! If you turn the hood over you see the glass and the bulb, but there are no screws or anything. I really would like to change the fixture. Thanks.How do you unscrew the hood of a 29 gallon all-glass aquarium? I really need help!?If it's a plastic top look carefully around the edge of the glass. Mine have little nibs that hold the glass in place. I pull the plastic apart at one or more of the nibs, one at a time, the plastic moves just enough that I can get the glass out.How do you unscrew the hood of a 29 gallon all-glass aquarium? I really need help!?That's the problem with buying at Walmart. No service. Had you paid a dollar or two more at a local fish shop, they would be happy to do it for you. Please keep that in mind the next time you get ready to %26quot;get a good deal%26quot; at Wallyworld.How do you unscrew the hood of a 29 gallon all-glass aquarium? I really need help!?If you are talking about the octagon shaped tank just remove the light from the top. It isn't attached in any way to my cover. It just set on the top of the cover!

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